The Ride.
A business does not ride a straight-line road.
It hitchhikes on the ups & downs of the economy.
And we face unsettled times.

The downward trend can bruise the morale of any professional.
Do not surrender.
Reboot your competitive spirit and hone your professional skills.
Lace-up your work boots for a fight.
Start with a recon trip.

The initial objective is to reaffirm your professionalism and reboot morale.
I earned a living in consumer electronics retail for decades.
If confidence slipped in a downturn, I took an afternoon trip to observe competitors.
My spirit lifted as I witnessed amateur subpar dealings with customers.
I’m not bragging. I was undeniably better.
Industry trade shows, seminars, and a local lunch spot are prime morale-lifting destinations.
Conversations with trusted peers will reaffirm your professionalism and reboot your competitive spirit.
In addition, they are an excellent intel source of reliable on-the-street market news.
Reconnaissance trips and visits achieve the 1st objective.

I returned from recon trips and meetings with peers refreshed and upbeat.
However, the mood could be put on hold.
For example, a customer once accused me of being an expert.
I do confess to knowledge derived from decades of experience.
Yet I was uncomfortable with the word expert.
Was I as good as I had previously concluded?
Or was his opinion more about how poor the competition was?
The point is do not get too comfortable.

Hone Your Edge
Business can enter a downward cycle.
But business does not evaporate.
However, competition does.
This opens doors to picking up abandoned customers and increasing your market share.
Win this fight with increased preparation and improved execution,
Hone your knowledgeable edge via trade websites, trade shows, and seminars.
Improve sales skills — meet, and greet, and in particular polish the qualifying questioning of customers.
Good qualifying leads to well-understood and appreciated recommendations.
It earns customer confidence and justifiably closes sales.

Now, grab a cup of coffee.
Reboot refreshed and prepared.
Then jump back on the ride and kick some butt.
That’s It.

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Minimize the compromise of the architectural speaker.
How does drywall compromise the music/movie sanctuary experience?
How to solve the 1st baffling custom in-ceiling/wall speaker installation problem.